
Execute some JavaScript code globally.

jQuery.globalEval(code)🡢 Anything

code StringThe JavaScript code to execute.

jQuery.globalEval(code, options)🡢 Anything

code StringThe JavaScript code to execute.
options PlainObjectundefined
nonce stringThe nonce attribute passed to the executed script.

jQuery.globalEval(code, options, doc)🡢 Anything

code StringThe JavaScript code to execute.
options PlainObjectundefined
nonce stringThe nonce attribute passed to the executed script.
doc DocumentA document in which context the code will be evaluated.

This method behaves differently from using a normal JavaScript eval() in that it's executed within the global context (which is important for loading external scripts dynamically).

Execute a script in the global context.

function test() {
  jQuery.globalEval("var newVar = true;");
// newVar === true

Execute a script with a nonce value on a site with Content Security Policy enabled.

function test() {
  jQuery.globalEval("var newVar = true;", {
    nonce: "nonce-2726c7f26c",
// newVar === true

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